Thursday, February 18, 2010

Contemplating Curling

For those of you not familiar with the sport of Curling, I think of it as a combination of Shuffleboard and Bocce---played on ice. Several members of the Petersham, MA, Curling Club were in our editing suites yesterday putting together a video PSA to show on Cable Channel 15.

The club's website defines curling as a game where, "Each player throws or slides a 42lb curling stone with a handle attached to its topside down a sheet of specially prepared ice. The immediate goal is to have your rock come to rest on the spot that the team captain or “skip” has requested. The ultimate goal is for the four-person team to have their rock(s) closest to the center of the target or “house”."

With Curling featured in this year's Winter Olympics, the Petersham Curling Club will be hosting two open house events this month. This is great opportunity to find out more about the sport and maybe even try it for yourself. Look for their PSA in between our regularly scheduled programs or go to their website:

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